Oscar Wilde once wrote: “Nothing
succeeds like excess.” He was right as far as he went, i.e. inveighing against
the timorous moderation of the middle classes. But Wilde’s truism pertains only
in the short run. In the long run, success, and especially excessive success,
can turn not only problematic, but disastrous. Consider the phenomenon now
widely known as “blowback” (Shakespeare referred to a similar turnabout more
poetically as “hoist by his own petard.”) The United States has suffered from
this confounding product of its success several times in recent years. Perhaps
the most well-known instance concerns Afghanistan. During the late 1970s and
early 1980s, the Russians sent their forces to Afghanistan in order to keep it
under the control of the pro-Soviet Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA),
but they ran into fierce resistance by guerilla groups like the Mujahideen
(lit., one engaged in jihad; actually begun as 19th century opponents
of British rule). Seeing this as an opportunity to laden the Soviets with their
own Vietnam, the U.S. Government (and others like Saudi Arabia) gave enormous caches
of arms, ammunition, money and general support to these mujahideen, routinely
referring to them as “freedom fighters.” Among these ‘freedom fighters’ was a wealthy
leader from Saudi Arabia called Osama bin Laden. The mujahideen eventually
(1989) forced the Soviets out, ousted the DRA’s last president in 1992, and
consolidated into what Mullah Mohammed Omar called the “Taliban.” Osama bin
Laden was then able, from this relative safe haven in Afganistan, to organize
al Quaeda, and eventually its 9/11 attack upon the new enemy he had switched to—his
one-time backers, the United States of America. The Taliban, of course, became
the rulers of Afghanistan for a time, and, despite eleven years of war by the
U.S. forces against them, continue to wreak havoc against US-backed puppet
governments in both Afghanistan and Pakistan to this day.
Watch out what you hatch; it might come back to bite you in the ass. As, for
another example, ISIS or the Islamic State now running rampant in Syria, Iraq
and elsewhere, is also the product of the idiotic American machinations in the
Iraq invasion. We ousted Saddam Hussein, disbanded his army and de-authorized
his Sunni military and government officers, and in so doing gave power to the
Shia forces now allied with our presumptive enemy, Iran. We also paved the way
for al Quaeda in Iraq to rise and grow (there had been no al Quaeda in Iraq
before the invasion), and, they, allied with those Sunni forces we sidelined
and offended, have become the core of ISIS, taking over half of the allegedly
“free” Iraq we spent so much American life and treasure to “liberate.”
course, it’s not just in international relations that this phenomenon exists.
Consider the ‘success’ humanity has had, first when homo sapiens, with its big
brain, out-competed all other apes to become the clear winner in populating the
entire globe. So excessive has this ‘success’ become that the human population
has now reached 7 billion and is on a path to exceed 9 billion within a few
years (a mere 250 years ago, world population was only about 800 million!). Such
runaway growth strains not only the planetary resources needed to feed, clothe
and house so many human beings, but also the space that all other species
require to live. And the waste products generated by this one runaway species,
homo sapiens, have become a gathering menace to the oceans (think of the
‘islands’ of plastic now circling in several oceans; of the over-fished species
now reaching the brink of extinction) and the land increasingly polluted by it.
Allied with this, obviously, are the inventions that this one species has created
to allow it to thrive. Forget fire and the wheel; antibiotics have succeeded in
nearly wiping out several diseases that used to plague humanity. But their
excessive use (not only for humans, but in keeping livestock ‘healthy’, which
means humans consume antibiotics in their meat without knowing it) has
contributed increasingly to the development of ‘super-bacteria,’ that is, those
new strains resistant to antibiotics. The problem daily threatens to get out of
control if any of these super strains outstrips the methods that are still able
to contain them.
biggest example of the autoimmune epidemic, of course, has to do not with the
individual human body, per se, but with the collective body and the planet on
which humans must survive. Since the advent of the industrial age, humans have
been burning fossil fuels to obtain energy, most significantly to run machines
that produce power and heat, and machines to pamper us and transport us effortlessly
around our cities and the globe. This burning of fossil fuels, mostly gasoline
from petroleum but also fire from burning coal, has put enormous tonnages of CO2
into the atmosphere, and created what is known as the ‘greenhouse effect.’ That
is, CO2 collects in the upper atmosphere and creates a kind of gaseous
shell around the globe from which heat cannot escape. The result (heat coming
in but not getting out) is global warming—a rapid warming of the planet that is
unprecedented in human history, and threatens to melt the polar regions
(already happening at an alarming rate) and raise sea levels to disastrous
levels for coastal cities, and heat the climate so much that all flora and
fauna, including those we depend on for food, will be negatively affected. The
most important point about this CO2 effect, this greenhouse effect,
is that we humans are doing it to
ourselves. There is no longer any serious question about this. Despite the
climate deniers, virtually all scientists agree that climate change is human
caused. It is our civilization that is at fault, we ourselves that are
most dangerous autoimmune disease of all, in short, is the one threatening
civilization itself. Humans of the last 250 or so years have been amazingly
successful in using our large brains to adorn ourselves with the kind of
comfort and products that not even the wealthiest potentates of old could have
imagined. Success is ours! We have triumphed over nature. Become free as gods.
We have won.
problem lies in the blowback. Our very success in producing machines to make us
dominant and mobile and safe has led us into what appears to be the gravest
crisis humanity has ever faced. Our machines have paved the way for a deadly reaction
by the planet itself, by its feedback mechanisms, by what we might call its
immune system. And what those feedback mechanisms are telling us, in the
immortal words of Walt Kelly’s Pogo, is: we
have met the enemy and it is us. What they are telling us is: Change the
way you think, the way you see; for if you do not, you will perish from your
own success. It is as if humanity has suddenly regressed to an ancient Greek
theater dramatizing in slow motion the peril that the Greeks found most
threatening—the peril of hubris. The
peril of presuming to arrogate to themselves the prerogatives of the gods.
Whether collective humanity can gather itself and humble itself enough to alter
its current disregard for everything but its own short-term comfort remains to
be seen.
Lawrence DiStasi
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